Friday 18 July 2014

Fantasy Tavern: Open for business!

So here's The Serpent's Gain finally open for business, ready for customers - adventurers, city guard, rumour-mongers, patrons and ne'er-do-wells:

and again: 

 And finally - the hard-working staff:


I'm not convinced that the strumpet is actually employed by the inn, but I don't pay the wages so she can stay. Who is she beckoning do you think? Legatus probably, clutching a chilled tankard of pinot gris....
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed the black spot on the cleaner's apron (or pinny as my Nan used to call them). She will be sacked straight after the photo-shoot for such a slovenly turnout - that's the maid, not my Nan, who is no longer with us and thus cannot be sacked.
Now that's out of my system I can concentrate on some more painting. Until next time.....

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