Saturday, 27 September 2014

Paint Table Saturday - All Change!

I have temporarily side-lined my 15mm AWI in order to get on with another project that has been thrust into my beleaguered brain by the publishing of Lion Rampant. So if you were expecting some AWI here, it will be back, but in the meantime you can blame Dan Mersey!

As always I've started arse about face by knocking up some scenery before the figures in order to set the mood as it were (anyone else do this?), in this case the lovely Perry medieval cottage.
As for the figures, well a brief walk to The Shed of Delights (where I store my Lead and Plastic mountain) led me to these:
So the medieval period has obviously been a project-in-waiting for me, and the waiting is now over thanks to what appears to be an excellent set of rules. They are very good value for money, and full of lots of inspiring art and photos. I can see these being used for periods other than those it was designed for - the dark ages, for example, and Lord of the Rings also comes to mind. There are now a few AARs online and a couple of reviews. I've read through the book twice and checked out the optional rules on BoardgameGeek, and I'm looking forward to this as an on-going project.
Until next time............

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