Friday, 3 April 2015

Back to the Dark Ages

Greetings Gentle Reader,

Ok, so this is what happened: I was in a charity shop recently and spotted this audiobook on cd:

...for the princely sum of £3. I read a lot - I've read this particular novel twice (as I have all the Uhtred books), but it occurred to me that this could prove an excellent companion to my journeys up and down the M27, A3, M25, A1(M), and indeed the dreaded A32.
And so it proved. I thoroughly enjoyed Jamie Glover's characterisation, and the battle scenes really came to life.

This eventually (in my tortoise-like brain) led to me considering my collection of Dark Ages figures, an eclectic mix of manufacturers but still vaguely impressive en masse. I decided to beef up their numbers, and replace some of those I'm not particularly happy with (some of those Gripping Beast poses are very odd....), with a view to using them for a Dark Age variant of Lion Rampant.

I ordered a bunch of bits from Crusader Miniatures via North Star, and (a first for me) tried a couple of packs of Drabant Figures from Old Glory. They were delivered within days (well done Old Glory!) and are lovely little items:


They look to need minimal cleaning up, so I shall get them assembled and based today and await my North Star order before painting them all in one go.
Anyway - Happy Easter to you all! I'm off to search for this particular Easter Bunny:
Until next time.....


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